City of Memphis Project - Memphis Police Dept. Horse Barn Flooring Project

Project consists of the following scope of work: demolition of pea-gravel surfacing, concrete aprons, the installation of concrete paving and aprons, PVC piping (8”) drainage line, two inlets, drainage junction box, rip-rap at end of PVC piping, and sod all disturbed areas.


Bidding Closed

Prebid Date12/9/20 1:00pm

Bid Date12/30/20 12:00pm

Company & Contacts

JPA, Inc.
John Jackson III  


509 Pear Ave., Memphis, TN 38103

Sealed bids will be received at the Office of the City of Memphis Purchasing Agent, Room 354, City Hall, 125 N. Main, Memphis, TN 38103.The date for receipt for bids is hereby extended until 12:00 pm (noon) Wednesday December 30, 2020. for furnishing the City of Memphis with the following:
Division of General Services – City of Memphis
Memphis Horse Barn – Flooring Improvements


A Mandatory Pre-Bid Meeting will be held December 9, 2020 at 1:00 PM at 509 Pear Street; Memphis, Tennessee 38107.

Bidding Documents: Documents for bidding will only be available in paper format.

Paper documents may be obtained as follows:
Bidding Documents in PDF Format may be previewed at no cost at Midsouth Plan Room
or Memphis Reprographics Plan Room. Entities obtaining Bidding Documents (paper format) will become Bidders of Record for Notifications and able to bid this project (bidders that obtain electronic documents only will not be eligible for bidding this project). Bidders of Record may purchase hard copies of Bidding Documents from Memphis Reprographics, 6178 Macon Road; Memphis, Tennessee 38134, (901) 381-9811 phone (nonrefundable) at Bidder’s expense.

  • A. The Owner will award a contract for supply and installation of concrete paving within the existing Memphis Police Department (MPD) Horse Barn. This will include but not limited to: demolition of the existing pea-gravel flooring & wooden headers (ground level) at each stable entry, traffic grade floor drains, pvc piping, PVC clean outs, nonslip surfacing applied to new concrete and metal surfaces, and other miscellaneous items which will commence as provided in the Notice of Award.
  • B. Work under this contract will include is all included in one bid for this project, with no alternate bids.