Lakeland Preparatory School

The Project consists of the construction of New High School for the Lakeland School System consisting of approximately 218,000 sqft of new building addition to the existing Lakeland Preparatory Middle School. Also included is approximately 25,000 sqft of sport and maintenance buildings


Bidding Closed

Bid Date6/23/20 2:00pm

Company & Contacts

Chris Woods Construction Company, Inc.
Don Sloan  


5020 Lions Crest Drive, Lakeland, TN 38002

Bid Information

The cutoff for questions will be Tuesday, June 9th, at 5:00 PM Local Time

Bids are due for Subcontractors and Vendors by Tuesday, June 23rd, at 2:00 PM Local Time

Scope of Work: The Project consists of the construction of New High School for the Lakeland School System consisting of approximately 218,000 sqft of new building addition to the existing Lakeland Preparatory Middle School. Also included is approximately 25,000 sqft of sport and maintenance buildings